Monday - Friday:

7:00 AM - 5:00PM

Global Capabilites

A Greener Approach to

Prefabricated Buildings

At Mandeville Modular, we offer volumetric modular construction services. Modular buildings are energy and cost-efficient, high-quality, and sustainable.

Advantages of Volumetric
Modular Construction

Saves Time and

Volumetric modular construction helps developers manage construction and development costs as well as control inventory shortfalls. According to McKinsey & Company, projects are also completed faster than conventional, on-site construction.

Complies With

This construction method even helps meet building sustainability program metrics, such as

Limits Volume of

Vertically integrated volumetric modular construction allows developers to affirm their commitment to sustaining the environment for future generations. The technique focuses on reducing

Complies With

This construction method even helps meet building sustainability program metrics, such as